Norm Pattiz cause of death, wife, parents, net worth, funeral

Former Chairman Emeritus of Westwood One, previously Dial Global, Inc., Norman Pattiz. One of the biggest radio companies in the world is the corporation.

Westwood One, the world’s largest radio corporation, was founded by Norm Pattiz in 1976 and is now worth $4 billion.

He left his position as CEO in 1994, and he left his position as chairman of the board in 2010. In addition to his work with Westwood One, he served on the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) from 2000 to 2006.

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The date of Norman Pattiz’s passing is December 4, 2022. He was 79. All Access broke the news of his passing, noting just that he passed away on Sunday but not giving any other details.


Norman Pattiz, an American broadcasting entrepreneur who developed the Westwood One radio network, was married to Mary Turner. Former radio host Mary Turner serves on the board of the Betty Ford Center. The pair split their time between Santa Barbara and Beverly Hills, California.


His parents are unknown to the public

Net Worth

At the time of his passing, American radio mogul Norman Pattiz had a $350 million fortune.


His burial and funeral plans have not yet been announced. Once we have the information, we will offer further specifics.
